DIY Transitions: Entry & Exit in React

James Dorr
4 min readAug 10, 2019

React recommends libraries for transitions, but those didn’t work with the library I was already using. I decided to implement my own transitions for adding and deleting elements — and it was really easy!

ATTENTION: React recommends using their libraries for transitions, like react-transition-group.

the Kimmy Schmidt “fascinating transition”
That’s gonna be a… fascinatin’ transition

To implement transitions when elements are added or deleted, follow these three easy steps.

  1. Add className to state — sorry, it must be a component class, not a functional stateless component
  2. setTimeout()
  3. Create the CSS and tie it all together

Add className to State

I always take very small steps make sure the code keeps working. Inside the file for the component we’re working on, let’s add another line to our state (or create the state, if we haven’t). It will hold our className. We should always use meaningful names. My component creates “choice” elements, so I have…



James Dorr

Full Stack Web Developer, former English as a foreign language teacher and volleyball coach. All views and opinions are my own.